In some instances, the levels of LDL cholesterol exceed the ability of the body to maintain homeostasis, and as a result, the excess material accumulates into fatty deposits that harden into plaques. Arrange in the correct order the sequence of events that leads to this condition, known as atherosclerosis:

a. The plaques harden, blocking the flow of blood in major arteries.
b. White blood cells become engorged with fatty deposits.
c. Excess LDL cholesterol accumulates in the interior of arterial walls.
d. Macrophages are drawn to this site.

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Correct order of the sequence of events that leads to atherosclerosis is:

c, d, b, a

Development of atherosclerosis is caused by a high concentration of LDL‐cholesterol in the blood, and lowering the level of LDL‐cholesterol reverses atherosclerosis thus preventing cardiovascular disease

Cholesterol is the key component of arterial plaques which gave rise to the cholesterol hypothesis for the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis

Population studies have shown that elevated levels of both LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B (apoB) 100, which is the main structural protein of LDL, are directly associated with risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular events