A climber on Mount Everest is meters from the start of his trail and at elevation meters above sea level. At meters from the start, the elevation of the trail is meters above sea level. If for near , what is the approximate elevation another 8 meters along the trail

Respuesta :

We are not given the value of

Mount Everest



So we are going to based our parameters needed to solve this question o assumptions. The main thing is to understand the process in solving this question.

So here is it!.

A climber on Mount Everest is 8000 meters from the start of his trail and at elevation  10000 meters above sea level. At (x) meters from the start, the elevation of the trail is h(x) meters above sea level. If  h' (x) = 0.5 for near , what is the approximate elevation another 8 meters along the trail


10004 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

The rate of change of elevation, h' (x) = 0.5 near 8000 meters.

Thus; we can say that the elevation increases by 0.5 for each meter traveled at a given distance(x)

So, we need to determine the new elevation after 8 meters traveled from ( 8000 to 8008).Then the elevation change can now be written as:

=  (0.5 × 8)

= 4 meters.

And also the new elevation will be:

10000 + 4 meters

= 10004 meters