Felix and Janet are building their portfolios. Felix purchases shares in a mutual fund and pays fees to a manager who actively manages the mutual fund's portfolio. He does so because he believes that the manager can identify inexpensive stocks that will rise in value. Janet is not convinced. She buys shares in an index fund-a type of mutual fund that simply buys all of the stocks in a given stock index rather than actively managing a portfolio Felix builds his portfolio on the supposition that:_______. A. The stock market exhibits informational efficiency B. Stock prices follow a random walk. C. Stock analysts can use fundamental analysis to identify undervalued stocks

Respuesta :


C. Stock analysts can use fundamental analysis to identify undervalued stocks


The answer is that Felix builds his portfolio on the supposition that stock analysts can use fundamental analysis to identify undervalued stocks because the statement indicates that Felix decides to pay to a manager who handles the mutual fund's portfolio to help him find stocks that will increase their value. From this, you can inferred that Felix considers that as the manager works with stocks that he has the knowledge and tools to be able to advise him on the stocks that will increase their value given the constant change and the unpredictability of the stock market.