A woman fires a rifle with barrel length of 0.5400 m. Let (0, 0) be where the 125 g bullet begins to move, and the bullet travels in the +x-direction. The force exerted by the expanding gas on the bullet is (16,000 + 10,000x − 26,000x2) N, where x is in meters. A) Determine the work done by the gas on the bullet as the bullet travels the length of the barrel.
B) If the barrel is 1.05 m long, how much work is done?

Respuesta :



Given that,

Length of barrel =0.54m

Mass of bullet=125g=0.125kg

Force extend


a. Work done is given as

W= ∫Fdx

W= ∫(16,000+10,000x-26,000x² dx from x=0 to x=0.54m

W=16,000x+10,000x²/2 -26,000x³/3 from x=0 to x=0.54m

W=16,000x+5,000x²- 8666.667x³ from x=0 to x=0.54m

W= 16,000(0.54) + 5000(0.54²) - 8666.667(0.54³) +0+0-0



The workdone by the gas on the bullet is 8733.31J

b. Work done is given as

Work done when the length=1.05m

W= ∫Fdx

W= ∫(16,000+10,000x-26,000x² dx from x=0 to x=1.05m

W=16,000x+10,000x²/2 -26,000x³/3 from x=0 to x=1.05m

W=16,000x+5,000x²- 8666.667x³ from x=0 to x=1.05mm

W= 16,000(1.05) + 5000(1.05²) - 8666.667(1.05³) +0+0-0



The workdone by the gas on the bullet is 12,279.75J