Respuesta :
They can make someone feel like they have to act a certain way.
This is a really kind of interesting question? (Heres my take on it)
I think gender can affect many things, I think it can affect someones social life, how they find them selfs self-identifying can be changed by how their gender and in a way how that gender is treated, social constructs.
ideas that we have made, there is also a take on hormones, they can make a persons personality change completely
for an example;
Testosterone is definitely a more agressive hormone in large amounts some men and women have more, making them a everyone is different
Problems associated with abnormally high testosterone levels in men include: Low sperm counts, and impotence (seems odd, doesn't it?) and Heart muscle damage and increased risk of heart attack.
some men and women have more estrogen too!
high levels of estrogen can lead to weight gain, particularly around the hips and waist. Excess estrogen can also cause menstrual problems, such as: irregular periods.
it changes appearance, and other human traits
unfortunately mixed with current societal standards
"Society tells us what is feminine/ masculine and how it can be displayed. The values tied to masculinity have been generally seen as superior to those associated with femininity"
Gender is not inherent. our expectation of genders socially constructed roles, and behaviors, etc.
what society considers appropriate for "men" and "women".
social media, age, school, sleep, personally can all affect and be affected by gender.
lets not forget that people can also have body dysmorphia
leading them to not find themselves in the right body or gender
that can affect a persons life in a whole different way, needing shots of different hormones and surgeries can be involved, to help them feel more comfortable :)
I really hope this helps give some ideas~!!