A 34-year-old woman who has no past medical problems nor is currently taking any medications comes into your office because she noticed a tender lump in her left breast starting approximately one month ago. She is worried because she has an aunt who had breast cancer that was BRCA positive, though her mother is BRCA negative. Her periods have been regular since they started at the age of 13 and occur every 32 days. She is currently menstruating. She has three children aged 12, 9, and 4. On exam, her BMI is 32, up from 28 three years ago and her other vital signs are stable. On breast exam, you note a mobile rubbery mass of approximately 1 x 1cm and with regular borders that is tender to palpation. You appreciate no axillary adenopathy. The rest of her physical exam is unremarkable. Of the information provided, which of the following places this patient at increased risk for breast cancer?A. Age
B. Weight
C. Parity history
D. Family history of cancer
E. Age of menarche