The initial program was not provided.
I'll answer the question base on the following assumptions.
1. I'll declare a rate of payment for hours more than 60 and a different rate of payment for hours between 40 and 60.
2. Gross payment is calculated by rates of payment * hours worked.
# Program starts here
# Comments are used for explanatory purpose
def main():
#accept input for hours
x= input ("Enter Hours Worked per week")
#convert to integer
hours = int(x)
#accept input for rate of payment
y= input ("Enter Rate of payment per week")
#convert to integer
Rate = int(y)
#test the range of values of hours
st= "double time for hours more than 60"
elif(hours>=40 && hours<=60):
st= "one-half time more than 40 and less than or equal to 60"
Gross = Rate * hours