Thomas Hunt Morgan selected Drosophoila melanogaster as his experimental organism. List at least three reasons the fruit fly is an excellent subject for genetic studies

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1. Single mating will produce hundreds of offspring.

2. A new generation can be bred every two weeks.

3. The fruit fly has only four pairs of chromosomes, which are easily distinguishable with a light microscope.


1. Fruit flies are cheap can be grown fastly and easily

2. Fruit fly produces large number of offspring

3. There are only four easily distinguishable chromosomes in fruit fly

4. Breeding of new generation can be done after 2 weeks.

5. Female can be distinguished from male by size.


Thomas Hunt Morgan selected Drosophila melanogaster as his experimental organism because fruit flies are small size about the size of the pea. You can grow hundred of fruit flies in a bottle. They can be grown easily easily on a yeast culture. These can be inactivated and used for lab examination. Breeding of fruit fly can be done throughout the year and produces hundreds of offspring. Fruit fly grow fastly so less time is consumed. The Y chromosome is hooked and can be distinguished because female poses yy chromosomes.