Indicate whether the data is qualitative or quantitative, indicate whether the data is discrete, continuous, or neither, and indicate the level of measurement for the data:
The number of robberies that occurred last year in the 40 largest American ci

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Step-by-step explanation:

The difference between quantitative and qualitative data is that the quantitative data can be interpreted numerically and qualitative data can be interpreted categorically.

The number of robberies can be meaningfully interpreted numerically, so, it represents quantitative data.

The difference between discrete and continuous data is that the discrete data can be interpreted as whole number and continuous data can be interpreted as any number.

The number of robberies can easily be counted and represented as whole number, so, it represents discrete data.

The difference between ratio and interval scale of measurement is that the ratio scale is used when data has meaningful zero i.e. zero means absence and interval scale is used when data has not meaningful zero i.e. zero doesn't mean absence.

The number of robberies can be measured through ratio scale because 0 robberies means no robbery.