The phylogenetic chart describes how modern-day elephants (Asian elephants and African elephants) evolved from extinct species. Based on the chart, are Asian elephants more closely related to Mammuthus (mammoths) or Mammuts (mastodons)? Are Mammut mastodons the same species as Paleomastodons? Explain your reasoning for both questions.

Respuesta :


Aisan elphants are more close to mammoths becasue they share more things on the phylogenic chart. This indicates a closer evolutionary ancestory. Mammut mastodons and paleomastodons are not the same species becasue the mammuts have some ancestory that the palemastodons dont have



Asian elephants are more closely related to mammoths because they share more nodes and branches on the phylogenetic chart. This relationship suggests a closer evolutionary ancestry. Mastodons and Paleomastodons are not the same species. There are branches from Paleomastodon and Mammuts that suggest speciation occurred. Mammuts also have common evolutionary ancestors that Paleomastodons do not have.
