Respuesta :

Answer: a. Power assertion.

Explanation: children who are rebellious and aggressive are often a product of parents who often assert power on their children, this type of parents or guidance does not show love to this kids, the children will grow up becoming very rebellious and aggressive, because this was the character of the person their have grown up with,

This children has not seen love from the one their tend to love them most. Many of them don't understand what love is, they tend to believe life to be all about their own will, and getting things from others, their have to use power and aggressive style to make them subdue under their own will.

This is a very wrong approach towards children,and this is an abuse of power toward the child. A parent or guidance found training up his child in this way should be charged for child abuse.

Let's also use Solders for an example, 90% of this Solders are aggressive, though not rebellious because they are disciplined to be under the law. This Solders are always aggressive because, they have been brutalized and trained with power assertion by their commanders, so it now became their life style, to be aggressive, and rebellious to any command that is not coming from their commandant or a senior citizen of the country.

Children who are rebellious and aggressive are often the products of Power assertion

  • Power assertion can be defined as the use of force by parents to correct or instill discipline in a child. This can be done by physical means or verbal means.

Examples of power assertion:

  • When a parent instill a harsh or corporal punishment on a child that disobeys.
  • When a parent refuse to buy toy for a child that disobeys.

Therefore, power assertion is the use of coercion to discipline a child.

Learn more about power assertion: