List detailed reasons why deforestation is important?
How will our world look with the failure to promote reforestation, and who would be impacted the most?

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Deforestation is the removal of trees from forested regions. Forests are integral to nutrient cycling, they provide an important habitat for numerous species, and regulate several abiotic and biotic factors.

The biology of an environment involves all non-living, abiotic factors such as climate, water, vegetation, sunshine, and temperature; and biotic factors which are living ecosystem components such as plants, fungi, microbes, and animals. Such influences work within a group, and over time lead to a gradual change in an environment.

Apart from leading to a loss in critical species, this may also have several far-reaching implications such as:

  • soil erosion-  soil exposed by the removal of ground cover is often easy to displace
  • flooding- forests are important in taking in and releasing water regularly; without forests, some regions may experience flooding long-term.
  • oxygen-  vegetation is crucial in oxygen cycling as a byproduct of photosynthesis

In the future, increased deforestation may have several far-reaching effects. This is most likely to affect small island nations, regions below sea-level and tropical ecosystems most...

  • Decreased rainfall and CO2 cycling- trees are important in water and CO2 cycling. This can lead to droughts (an extreme lack of water) in some regions and transform wetlands and other habitats into uninhabitable regions.
  • Climate change- increased CO2 levels contribute to a global heating effect and contribute to the phenomenon of climate change. This may cause sea levels to rise, and contribute to land mass losses.

Learn more about abiotic and biotic factors at and
