a) sarah smith has visited
b) has been visited by x
c)jose orez has visited some website
d)ashok, puri, cindy, yoon have visited website y
e)if a website z is there, z must have visited the website if David has also visited
f)2 persons are there. for each website, either of them will visit the site only when the other visits website z
Step-by-step explanation:
a)W(x,y)= student x visited website y
domain x= students in your school
domain y= websites
b) x is existing and x has visited the website or it has been visited by someone]
c) it means y is existing which was visited by jose
d)y is existing and the 4 students visited website y
e) there is neither a person y nor David Belcher who visited all websites David belcher visited
f) 2 persons are there and they're not equal to each other. 2 persons are there who have visited the same websites