Journal Entries-2020
DR Profit or Loss Provision for warranty(parts) 62,410.00
CR Current Liabilities 62,410.00
DR Profit or Loss Provision for Labour Costs 82,160.00
CR Current Liabilities 82,160.00
Journal Entries-2021
CR Profit or Loss Provision for warranty(parts) 62,410.00
DR Current Liabilities 62,410.00
DR Profit or Loss Warranty costs 21,400.00
CR Balance Sheet Warranty Payable/Bank 21,400.00
CR Profit or Loss Provision for Labour Costs 82,160.00
DR Current Liabilities 82,160.00
DR Profit or Loss Warranty costs 39,900.00
CR Balance Sheet Warranty Payable/Bank 39,900.00
I posted the estimated provisions in the year 2020 for both parts and labour costs to profit or loss and credit current liabilities as appropriate.
However, upon receiving the actual figures in 2021, it is necessary that we reverse ealier year postings so as to record actual figures accordingly