
Q: which of the following is NOT true of the compromise of 1877

Samuel Tilden won the 1876 presidential election after a recount

Rutherford Hayes was given the win despite having fewer votes

It jump started the entire reconstruction era for another two years

Freedmen were given full rights in exchange for the democratic support

Respuesta :

Samuel Tilden won the 1876 presidential election after a recount


  • The 1877 compromise is unusual because it was not reached after an open debate in the US Congress. It was primarily made behind the scenes and there are hardly any written records. It emerged from a contentious presidential election that was, however, harsh with the old North vs. South problems, this time involving the last three southern states that still controlled Republican reconstruction governments.
  • The timing of the treaty was prompted by the presidential election of 1876 between Democrat Samuel B. Tilden, governor of New York, and Republican Rutherford B. Hayes, governor of Ohio.
  • When the votes were counted, Tilden led Hayes by one vote in the Electoral College. But Republicans accused Democrats of voting for fraud, saying they intimidated African-American voters in three southern states, Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina, and prevented them from voting, thereby defrauding Tilden's election surrender.

Learn more on Rutherford Hayes on
