Throughout California, there are agencies within the city/county government whose employees include professionally trained planners. These agencies are known as:
Planning commissions.
Planning departments.
Planning boards of supervisors.
Building Officials Conference of America commissions.

Respuesta :


Planning Departments


Throughout California, there are agencies within the city/county government whose employees include professionally trained planners. Noticed that planning department employees provide technical services (rather than just recommendations, as planning commissioners do) for the planning commission, elected officials, and the citizens.

Planning Departments are the agencies employees of which includes professionally trained planners.

Planning department refers to an organizational unit functioning under municipal government. The main task of such department is to conduct planning activities.

Roles of the department includes:

  • administrative role
  • plan approval
  • subdivision process,etc

Employees of the planning department includes:

  • development service manager
  • planning manager
  • administrative assistant
  • senior planner
  • associate planner, etc

Learn more about planning department here: