
Does this Intro paragraph sound good or bad?
George Orwell provided wisdom and power in his 1945  symbolic novel Animal Farm, including what has become one of his most recognizable quotes; "Man is the only creature that consumes without producing." The quote can be seen in the first chapter of the book, making it a wonderful beginning to the novel. Everyone has had different understandings and thinkings of this quote including myself.

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The first sentence is wonderful!

The rest of the paragraph (especially what I believe is a thesis) looks pretty weak to me. The second sentence is an opinion, which (depending on the assignment) may or not be what you were trying to go for.  Maybe rewrite it a bit, perhaps briefly telling what impact it has on the story. This can lead into the third sentence, which should probably be rewritten to something like:

"Though this quote has many different interpretations, it is about *INSERT YOUR INTERPRETATION HERE*."

The second part, after the comma of that sentence, should be tailored to fit your thesis/claim.

If this is an essay, I suggest you don't use first person ("Me" "I" etc.), unless that is what the assignment asks you to do. I know my teachers usually frown upon using first person in essays though...
