A type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus is known as__________.

A.state-dependent learning.
B.classical conditioning.
C.operant conditioning.
D.observational conditioning

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A. state-dependent learning


State-dependent learning which also known as state-dependent memory is considered one of the most effective methods for memory retrieval. In this phenomenon, the individual is placed in a similar physical state or consciousness in which they first encountered the memory or first created the memory through learning. This helps the individual in providing the same response to the current stimulus that was originally evoked by another stimulus in the past but under similar physical or conscious state.


b. classical conditioning


In psychology, the term classical conditioning refers to a form of learning in which an stimulus that triggers a natural answer by itself (unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response) is paired with another stimulus that originally doesn't trigger any answer (neutral stimulus) but, after some repetitions, the answer evoked by the first stimulus starts to show up by presenting the originally neutral stimulus. Then, this answer is known as the conditioned response and the neutral stimulus has become a conditioned stimulus)

Therefore, in other words we can say that the type of learning in which a stimulus (conditioned stimulus) acquires the capacity to evoke a response (conditioned response) that was originally evoked by another stimulus (unconditioned stimulus) is known as B.classical conditioning.