Augi carefully plans out an early morning exercise routine to lose weight and get fit. When it's time to work out, however, Augi just "doesn't feel up to it" and decides to sleep in. Behavioral economics would say that Augi:_______

Respuesta :

Answer:Augi used System 2 of her brain to formulate her workout plan, but then gave in to System 1 when she decided to sleep in.


A psychologist known as Daniel Kahneman came up with these two terms of concepts when he was determining our decision making process and he called them system 1 and system 2 of our brain.

System 1

This is a fast one in our brain and it is characterised by being automatic , unconscious and effortless. When we are engaged in this system we are not real aware of it , it usually irrational and it what constitutes almost 98% of our thinking. Augi was quick to decide to sleep in with not much effort to think about this decision.

System 2

This is a slow process that is deliberate , conscious , engages a lot of effort with rational thinking , it involves working with logic seeks information and making decisions. Augi when he was planning his workout was consciously involved in planning using logical thinking.