Lines 83-93: Which details make the proposal sound practical? What effect on

readers does Swift intend the sensible approach of his narrator to have?

Respuesta :

The essay by Jonathan Swift "A Modest Proposal" talks about the children of the poor not being a burden on their parents and they should sell off their children to the rich like food.


The essay written by Jonathan Swift "The Modest Proposal" talks about the poverty and over population of Irish People. This essay is a master piece of satire and using this he tries to bring in the attention of the people towards the poverty and poor condition of the people.

He says that the poor Irish people should sell off their kids to the Rich people like food who can serve the Children with Delicacy. In this way, they will not be a burden on their parents also. In the essay, he also provides with some solutions with which these people can solve their problems like their goods should be bought, land lords should be taught to care about their tenants and not to treat them badly.