The theme of The Death of Ivan llych:
Answer: Option A, C & E
Once in a while everyone of us are baffled about the concept of life. ‘The Death of Ivan llych’ is one such excellent novel about the life and death authored by Tolstoy. The theme of this novel is pretty much focused on the central character, Ivan llych. All his life, he has lived in the pursuit of wealth. He has done nothing for his own happiness and peace of mind, but only for show off and impressing people.
As the story moves forward, we get to known that Ivan is diagnosed with pancreatic Cancer and ultimately he dies. But Ivan’s story of illness the author is trying to demonstrate the relationship between life and death and how it is supposed to be lived.
When Ivan was on his deathbed, he realized that all his life, he lived a unhappy life. The story makes us question about what happiness is really about? And what is the meaning of life? This book gives us the answer to these question.