Thirteen-year-old Senada has a learning disability. She is struggling in Mrs. Watkins 8th-grade science class. Although she understands grade-level content, she reads at a 3rd-grade level and has difficulty identifying key ideas during lectures and independent reading. She also has difficulty organizing her ideas when writing.

Mrs. Watkins typically:

Lectures using PowerPoint presentations while students take notes
Requires her students to read the textbook and provide written responses to the questions
Requires students to conduct lab experiments by following written procedures
Requires students to write up the results of their lab
Assesses her students using written tests

Based on what you know about Mrs. Watkins class:

List at least three areas where Senada might experience difficulty.
List at least three accommodations that could be used to address the barriers related to Senada’s disability.
Include the accommodations category and explain how these accommodations might help Senada access and demonstrate her learning.
Based on the accommodations recommended above, what tips might be helpful for Mrs. Watkins to ensure that Senada receives the maximum benefit from her required accommodations?

Respuesta :


The areas where Senada might expeience difficulty are:

1. Taking notes

2. Reading the textbook

3. Written tests


1. Giving her with summarized flash cards with the most important content of the subject.

2. Reducing content and choosing an aditional text for her which includes the most imporat topic, and it is reduced in complexity and reading level.

3. The teacher should built adapted assesments for her, which includes multiple choice, graphics, to match the correct answer. This way this would help her organice her ideas.

The type of accomodations would be: Presentation and Response.

This means accomodations in order for her to learn the same content but according to her learning possibilities.

Typs for the teacher: Interact with he during class, present her didactic material, since is a science class: try and make experimentations, assess her with also oral evaluations, make her feel she is part of the class so that she can be participative and don´t fell left outl


Taking notes: are more likely to be of difficulty to her, since she has troubles organizing her ideas. In order to take notes, a level of organization must be used, in order synthesize and put down was most important. Since she also have problems identifying key ideas.

Reading the textbook,.since it probably is a 8th grade reading textbook and her level of reading is 3rd grade.

Written tests would also be experienced as difficult, since her writting organization level and reading comprehension is an issue for her.