If Data A has a correlation coefficient of r = - 0.991, and Data B has a correlation coefficient of r = 0.991, which correlation is correct? a. Data A has a stronger linear correlation than Data B. b. Data A and Data B have the same strength in linear correlation. c. Data A has a weaker linear correlation than Data B.

Respuesta :


Option B) Data A and Data B have the same strength in linear correlation.

Step-by-step explanation:


  • Correlation is a technique that help us to find or define a relationship between two variables.
  • It is a measure of linear relationship between two quantities.
  • A positive correlation means that an increase in one quantity leads to an increase in another quantity
  • A negative correlation means with increase in one quantity the other quantity decreases.
  • +1 tells about a a perfect positive linear relationship and −1 indicates a perfect negative linear relationship.

Data A correlation = -0.991

Data B correlation = 0.991

Data A and data B have same strength of correlation but they are opposite to each other. There absolute value is same but the data A shows negative correlation and data B shows positive correlation. Data A shows indirect or inverse linear relationship and data B shows direct linear relationship. Both data have same magnitude of correlation.