Which of the following correctly represents the transmutation in which a curium-242 nucleus is bombarded with an alpha particle to produce a californium-245 nucleus?^242_96 Cm(^1_0 n, ^4_2 He)^245_98 Cf^242_96 Cm(^4_2 He, ^1_1 p)^245_98 Cf^242_96 Cm(^4_2 He, 2^1_1 p)^245_98 Cf^242_96 Cm(^4_2 He, ^1_0 n)^245_98 Cf^242_96 Cm(^4_2 He, ^1_-1 e)^245_98 Cf

Respuesta :

Answer: The chemical equation is written below.


Transmutation is defined as the process in which one chemical isotope gets converted to another chemical isotope. The number of protons or neutrons in the isotope gets changed.

The chemical equation for the reaction of curium-242 nucleus with alpha particle (helium nucleus) follows:

[tex]_{96}^{242}\textrm{Cm}+_4^2\textrm{He}\rightarrow _{98}^{245}\textrm{Cf}+_0^1\textrm{n}[/tex]

The product formed in the nuclear reaction are californium-245 nucleus and a neutron particle.