
Match the following membrane component names with the correct letters in the cell membrane diagram below.

2.Integral membrane protein
3.Carbohydrate chain

Match the following membrane component functions with the correct letters in the cell membrane diagram below.

5. Helps identify a cell to macromolecules and other cells
6.Used to move large molecules through the membrane that cannot pass through by simple diffusion
7. Helps stabilize the lipid (phospholipid) bi-layer
8. Makes up most of the cell membrane

Respuesta :


The correct matching is given below.


1 phospholipid 8 makes up most of the cell membrane

2 integral membrane protein 6 used to move large molecules through the membrane that cannot pass through by simple diffusion.

3 Carbohydrate chain 5 helps identify a cell to macromolecules and other cells.

4 cholesterol 7 helps to staibilize the lipid(phospholipid ) bi-layer.