Use this online dictionary to examine the definition of the word recalcitrant. Describe the word’s origin, the most common meaning of the word, two synonyms, and two antonyms.

Respuesta :


Difficult to deal with, obstinate.


Recalcitrant means obstinate and stubborn in a way that defies authority or established rules or guidelines. It can also refer to someone who is unreceptive to some type of treatment.

Synonyms for recalcitrant would be defiant, insubordinate or balky, wherease antonyms are compliant and obedient.

The word comes from Latin and was originally used to describe not people, but horses and mules who kicked. The Latin calx means heel.


Sample Response: "Recalcitrant" comes from the Latin word "recalcitrare," which means "to be disobedient." The word "recalcitrant" means "stubbornly resistant." Two synonyms are "obstreperous" and "willful." Two antonyms are "compliant" and "obedient."