Allele A has 235 codons. Allele a (an alternative allele of the same gene) has 233 codons. When comparing the protein encoded by allele A to that encoded by allele a, protein A must be:______

Respuesta :


A must be two amino acids longer -each codon encodes one amino acid.

Sequences of DNA make up genes which can have different forms called alleles. DNA is transcribed into mRNA and later translated into amino acids which are linked together by rRNA to form proteins.

Further Explanation:

The nucleic acids are comprised of smaller units called nucleotides and function as storage for the body’s genetic information. These monomers include ribonucleic acid (RNA) or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). They differ from other macromolecules since they don’t provide the body with energy. They exist solely to encode and protein synthesis.

Basic makeup: C, H, O, P... life on Earth is Carbon based nucleotides contain 5-carbon sugars, and  nitrogen; the bases may contain single to double bond rings

All the genetic information within the eukaryotic cell is stored within the nucleus as helical DNA. This DNA is tightly wound around histones as chromosomes.  Codons are three nucleotide bases encoding an amino acid or signal at the beginning or end of protein synthesis.

RNA codons determine certain amino acids so the order in which the bases occur within in the codon sequence designates which amino acid is to be made bus with the four RNA nucleotides (Adenine, Cysteine and Uracil) Up to 64 codons (with 3 as stop codons) determine amino acid synthesis. The stop codons ( UAG UGA UAA) terminate amino acid/ protein synthesis while the start codon AUG begins protein synthesis.

Learn more about transcription at

Learn more about DNA and RNA
