Respuesta :

I believe that eight deaths in the play result, directly or indirectly, from Hamlet's plot for revenge.
The people who died are Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Gertrude, Claudius, Laertes, and Hamlet himself

There are 8 deaths caused by Hamlet , wether deliberately or not, by his hand or not .First, Polonious.He is killed by Hamlet thinking he is Claudius.Second, Ophelia.She commits suicide because of him, she cannot handle her situation any longer.Hamlet is not with her and she lost her father because of him.Third, Rosencratnz and Guilderstern are killed in England as a favour to Denmark.Even though it is considered that Claudius asked for them to be executed, it was Hamlet who wanted it as some kind of revenge.Fourth, Gertrude.She drinks from the glass with the poison for Claudius.Fifth, Laertes, wounded by a sword that contains the poison he himself delivered on it.Sixth, Claudius.He was forced to drink the poison and was stabbed too.Last, but not least, Hamlet.He is stabbed by a sword that has been poisoned by Laertes.