Which descriptions of the English colonies in North America are accurate?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Jamestown was established on good ground near clean water in a healthy environment.

The men on the Mayflower signed an agreement to write fair laws for the good of the colony.

Virginia planters paid English laborers good wages to come work on their plantations.

Only about 1 in 5, or 20 percent, of early colonists in Virginia survived.

The king granted a lot of self-government to Massachusetts and other colonies in the hope they would send back raw materials and would start paying taxes.

Respuesta :

b would be the awnser because it is the only true statement here


B. The men on the Mayflower signed an agreement to write fair laws for the good of the colony.


The Mayflower men signed an agreement to write fair laws for the good of their colony, this agreement is called “The Mayflower Compact”.

The Compact set a series of rules of self-governance, the men of the Colony knew that without any laws the settlement would be a disaster so they created the Compact to structure self-government.

All adult male colonists signed the Compact which created laws for the Mayflower Pilgrims and non-Pilgrims that lived in their colony. The Compact determined that they would remain loyal to King James although they were self-governed. They enacted laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices for the good of the colony, they would create one society and work together for it and would live following the Christian faith.