Respuesta :
// program in java
// package
import java.util.*;
// class definition
class Main
// main method of the class
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception{
// scanner object to read input
Scanner scr=new Scanner(;
// string array
String name[] = new String[100];
// price array
double price[] = new double[100];
// variables
double sum = 0,avg;
int i = 0;
boolean flag = false;
// read inputs until user enter a price -1
System.out.print("Enter item " + (i + 1) + " name: ");
name[i] =;
System.out.print("Enter item " + (i + 1) + " price: ");
price[i] = scr.nextDouble();
if(price[i] == -1) break;
flag = true;
sum += price[i];
// print item and their price
System.out.println("Items and their prices : ");
for(int y = 0; y < i; y++){
System.out.println(name[y] + ": " + price[y]);
// find average
avg =sum/i;
if(flag == true){
System.out.println("Average: " + avg);
System.out.println("no average output");
}catch(Exception ex){
Read name and their price from user until user enters a price equals to -1 of an item .print all the names and their price .If any name is equal to "peas" without case sensitive then find the average of all price and print the average.If their is no name equal to "peas" then print "no average output".
Enter item 1 name: apple
Enter item 1 price: 12
Enter item 2 name: kiwi
Enter item 2 price: 20
Enter item 3 name: peas
Enter item 3 price: 22
Enter item 4 name: banana
Enter item 4 price: -1
Items and their prices :
apple: 12.0
kiwi: 20.0
peas: 22.0
Average: 18.0