In decimal 10011110 will be equal to 158
In hexadecimal 10011110 will be equal to 9E
We have to convert 10011110 into decimal and hexadecimal
First we are converting binary to decimal
[tex]1\times 2^7+0\times 2^6+0\times 2^5+1\times 2^4+1\times 2^3+1\times 2^2+1\times 2^1+0\times 2^0=158[/tex]
So in decimal 10011110 will be equal to 158
Now for hexadecimal group the binary numbers into 4 that is (1001) (1110)
We know that 1001 is equal to 9 in hexadecimal
And 1110 is equivalent to E in hexadecimal
So 10011110 will be equivalent to 9E in hexadecimal