Write a program that receives a series of numbers from the user and allows the user to press the enter key to indicate that he or she is finished providing inputs. After the user presses the enter key, the program should print: The sum of the numbers The average of the numbers An example of the program input and output is shown below:

Respuesta :



Below program is in C++ Programming Language


Code explanation is in comments, the line starts with // .

// Import all necessory files




using namespace std;

int main()


//Declaring input string to get data from user

string myinput="";

// getline will get input string from user through command prompt

getline(cin, myinput);

//stringstream will be used to get one by one inputed number //seperated by space

//stringS is the name we set for stringstream

stringstream stringS(myinput);

// num will be used to get space seperated number from stringstream

int num = 0;

int sum=0;

// we need to count total numbers enterd by user to get the average

int count=0;

// this if is to prevent any error if user does not provide any number

if(myinput == ""){

cout<< "Nothing entered";

return 0;


// while loop iterates up to total inputed numbers entered by user

while (stringS >> num) {

sum += num;



// Output the desired result

cout << "Sum :"<<sum << "\n";

cout << "Average :" << sum/count <<endl;

return 0;
