Respuesta :
// import the Scanner class to allow for standard input
import java.util.Scanner;
// Declare the class for the program
public class ChemistryHomework {
// Write the main method header
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create an object of the Scanner class
// to read from the standard input
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
// Prompt the user to enter an element
System.out.println("Please enter the element");
// Receive and store the user input
String element = input.nextLine();
// Check if the user input is "hydrogen", "helium" or "lithium"
// By ignoring case, if it is "hydrogen", return a text containing the
// atomic weight of hydrogen which is 1.008
if (element.equalsIgnoreCase("hydrogen")){
System.out.println("The weight of " + element + " is " + 1.008);
// Else, if by ignoring case it is "helium", return a text containing the
// atomic weight of helium which is 4.0026
else if(element.equalsIgnoreCase("helium")){
System.out.println("The weight of " + element + " is " + 4.0026);
// Else, if by ignoring case it is "lithium", return a text containing the
// atomic weight of lithium which is 6.94
else if(element.equalsIgnoreCase("lithium")){
System.out.println("The weight of " + element + " is " + 6.94);
// Otherwise, return an error text
else {
System.out.println("Sorry, I don't recognize that element!");
} // End of main method
} // End of class declaration
Sample Output 1:
>> Please enter the element
>> The weight of helium is 4.0026
Sample Output 2:
>> Please enter the element
>> Sorry, I don't recognize that element!
i. The above code has been written in Java.
ii. The code contains comments explaining every line of the code. Kindly go through the comments carefully.
iii. To ignore case of a string, the string method equalsIgnoreCase() is used as shown in the if...else statements of the code.
iv. The code without comments has been re-written as follows;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ChemistryHomework {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter the element");
String element = input.nextLine();
if (element.equalsIgnoreCase("hydrogen")){
System.out.println("The weight of " + element + " is " + 1.008);
else if(element.equalsIgnoreCase("helium")){
System.out.println("The weight of " + element + " is " + 4.0026);
else if(element.equalsIgnoreCase("lithium")){
System.out.println("The weight of " + element + " is " + 6.94);
else {
System.out.println("Sorry, I don't recognize that element!");