Yes, quite true, in the particular case of the oceans, due to climate change
The tropics/subtropic regions (these days, due to climate change) receive a great amount of direct solar energy, which produces more evaporation than higher latitudes. The warm, moist air rises, condenses into clouds and thunderstorms, and falls back to earth as precipitation . More evaporation results in more precipitation. This evaporation is an indirect effect of the climate change or warming in this particular area (tropics and subtropics); what happens in the temperate regions the climate change goes hard and in some places the winter is more dense or happens a warming too.
The whole ocean itself regulates the global climate, and if the cycle of the water globally is quite affected by human actions directly or indirectly the water cycle will loose the equilibrium, that is why some hurricanes and other natural phenoma these days are with more frequence and/or strong and go to temperate areas too..