The nighttime and daytime temperatures on Mercury are 13 K and 683 K respectively. The melting point and boiling point of sulfur is 246°F and 832°F. Which of the following statements is true? On Mercury sulfur exists
a. only in the liquid state.
b. only in the solid state.
c. as both a liquid and a gas.
d. as both a liquid and a solid

Respuesta :

Answer: Option (d) is the correct answer.


Converting Fahrenheit into kelvin as follows.

           [tex]\frac{5}{9} \times (^{o}F - 32) + 273.15[/tex]

So, [tex]246^{o}F[/tex] will be converted into kelvin as follows.

            [tex]\frac{5}{9} \times (246^{o}F - 32) + 273.15[/tex]

                = 392.039 K

Also, [tex]832^{o}F[/tex] will be converted into kelvin as follows.

             [tex]\frac{5}{9} \times (832^{o}F - 32) + 273.15[/tex]                                      

                = 717.594 K

As 13 K is the temperature at night time. So, it means sulfur will exist as a solid at this time because melting point of sulfur is 392.039 K.

Whereas 683 K is the temperature during day time. Hence, it means sulfur will exist in liquid state because its boiling point is 717.594 K.

Thus, we can conclude that on mercury, sulfur exists as both a liquid and a solid.