Firms must be aware of goals other than short-term profit maximization. One area of concern should be social responsibility, which is the

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the expectation that business will strive to improve the overall welfare of society


The concept of social responsibility as used in management science is that businesses should maximize their profits subject to their working in a socially responsible manner to promote the interests of the society . According to the concept of social responsibility the objective of managers for taking business decisions is not merely to maximize profits or shareholders’ value but also to serve and protect the interests of other members of a society such as workers, consumers and the community as a whole. Adopting key social responsibility principles, such as accountability and transparency, can help ensure the long-term viability and success of any organization or system . A firm can achieve sustainability by paying careful attention to their impact on society and the environment. Behaving in a transparent, ethical manner ensures an approach that helps protect the long-term success of society and the environment.