Jada has an upcoming anthropology exam. She has spaced out her studying over the course of six days and feels she knows the material well. Two days ago, she was confident with her knowledge, but decided to study beyond the point of being able to discuss it without error. She spent the last two days studying the material even further. She now feels ready to take her exam. What technique best explains Jada's last two days of studying?

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Over-learning is the process which involves over practicing the acquired skills which exceed the limit of it. Continuing the study or practicing anything beyond the limit of the expected area to grasp and excel much in any area is said to be over-learning. In the area of pedagogy, the process of over-learning helps the student with certain beneficial results and outcomes.

The answer is overlearning. Jada’s technique of studying is overlearning.




Overlearning refers to an overwhelming amount of practices that someone does beyond the point of initial mastery. Herman Ebbinghaus was a memory researcher. Ebbinghaus did research on overlearning. Ebbinghaus found out that memory of a material that is learned can decrease over time.  


Ebbinghaus used a list of nonsense syllables for his research of memory. He found out that people who learned the nonsense syllables will later can’t recall it again. People need to fo reviews so they can gain a hundred percent recall for the nonsense syllables. Ebbinghaus himself defined the term overlearning as repeating a material over and over again after someone can already recall the material with a hundred percent accuracy.


There was a meta-analysis in 1992 about overlearning. The meta-analysis stated that overlearning can affect the recall of materials over time. The effect of overlearning on materials recalling can vary. It can be varied by the amount of overlearning, the type of the tasks, and also the length of retention. The meta-analysis included 15 studies in it.


The 15 studies all tested overlearning effects on physical tasks and cognitive tasks. It turned out that overlearning does have effects on cognitive tasks and physical tasks. Both cognitive and physical tasks show the indication of overlearning in the studies. The studies’ result is that overlearning will have an effect on retention. If a person does more overlearning, then it will lead to more retention on both of the tasks. The length of retention will also affect overlearning.



If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

Studying repetitions: brainly.com/question/10607772

Studying cats: brainly.com/question/5446960

KEYWORD: overlearning, studying, test

Subject: Social Studies

Class: College

Subchapter: Overlearning