Imagine a system where a block rests on an inclined plane. The block is then given an initial push so that it starts sliding down along the plane. After traveling some distance down the inclined plane it comes to rest due to frictional forces. In the simplest case, there are three forces acting upon the motion of the block—the initial push, gravity, and friction. Which of these statements about the work done by these three forces is true? The work done by the initial push is equal to the sum of the work done by friction and gravity. All three forces contribute an equal amount of work. The work done by friction is equal to the sum of the work done by gravity and the initial push. The work done by gravity is equal to the sum of the work done by friction and the initial push.

Respuesta :


statement - 'The work done by friction is equal to the sum of the work done by the gravity and the initial push' is correct.


The statement ''The work done by friction is equal to the sum of the work done by the gravity and the initial push" is correct.

The above statement is correct because, the initial push will tend to slide down the block thus the work done by the initial push will be in the downward direction. Also, the gravity always acts in the downward direction. thus, the work done done by the gravity will also be in the downward direction

here, the downward direction signifies the downward motion parallel to the inclined plane.

Now we know that the work done by the friction is against the direction of motion. Thus, the friction force will tend to move the block up parallel to the inclined plane.

Hence, for the block to stop sliding the the above statement should be true.