Normal faults are possible at which of the following plate boundaries? Note that C refers to continental crust and O refers to oceanic crust so, for example, C-C Convergent refers to a convergent boundary with both plates having continental crust at the boundary.

Choose all possible correct answers. You will lose points for correct answers missed and incorrect answers are chosen.

1. C-C Convergent

2. O-O Transform

3. O-O Divergent

4. C-C Transform

5. C-C Divergent

6. O-C Convergent

Respuesta :


Normal faults are possible in -

3 . O-O Divergent

5 . C-C Divergent


A Fault , in geology represents a planar fracture in a rock , there can be large faults , which are formed by the action of the tectonic forces , even the rapid movement of these tectonic plates on any active fault can lead to an earthquake .

In a normal fault , the hanging wall moves in downward direction with respect to the footwall .

Normal faults are usually associated with tensional zones at divergent plate boundaries that is at places where two plates move away from each other .