3. Describe the part (s) and give its major function: a. Flame cells b. Ocelli c. Toxicysts d. Nematocysts e. Colloblasts

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a. Flame cells: In the certain freshwater invertebrates such as rotifers some flatworms, there is presence of special excretory. A flame cell works as a kidney that removes waste materials.  

b. Ocelli:  These are the organs present in most of the arthropods. These are light detecting organs consists of a single lens and several sensory cells which detect movements.

c. Toxicyst: It is a specialized cellular structure present in some protozoa which are used to capture prey.  

d. Nematocyst: It  is small elongated capsule present in the members such as Hydra, jellyfish, sea anemones of phylum Cnidaria. Each nematocyst has a coiled, hollow, usually barbed thread. The thread contains poison and used to kill prey.

e. Colloblasts are a cell present in the tentacles of the ctenophores of the phylum Cnidaria. It has of a coiled spiral filament which are used to capture prey.