SQUIRE TRELAWNEY, Dr. Livesey, and the rest of these gentlemen having asked me to write down the whole particulars about Treasure Island, from the beginning to the end, keeping nothing back but the bearings of the island, and that only because there is still treasure not yet lifted, I take up my pen in the year of grace and go back to the time when my father kept the Admiral Benbow inn and the brown old seaman with the sabre cut first took up his lodging under our roof. Which best explains Stevenson’s reason for beginning the chapter with this paragraph?

Respuesta :


Stevenson creates interest in the reader with mention of still undiscovered treasure and the arrival of a mysterious character in the narrator’s life


Stevenson wants to attract the author's attention and curiosity. The best way he has found to do this is to create suspense in his paragraph. This suspense appears when Stevenson quotes the treasure and the arrival of a mysterious traveler. These two elements catch the attention of readers, leaving them curious, apprehensive and wondering how these elements influence the story being told. This causes readers to read through the book to the end to uncover all the mysteries.


Stevenson creates interest in the reader with mention of still undiscovered treasure and the arrival of a mysterious character in the narrator’s life.


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