
Recommend ways to deal with the following personalities in the workplace"
1. Complainer
2. Indecisive
3. Expert
4. Quiet
5. Aggressive

Respuesta :

1) Know the complaint. Ask what they think is the best solution to resolve the problem. Weigh the pros and cons of their suggestions. If more pros than cons, implement their suggestions. If more cons than pros, ask them to suggest other ways of solving their complaints.
2) Narrow down the choices. Give them shorter time to think and hold them to their decision.
3) Let them share their expertise with others. 
4) Let them share their ideas more. Let them be more involve in team activities so that they will feel that they belong.
5) Give them projects that they can kickstart. That way they will have a way to channel their aggressiveness. Let them be part of team building activities to help them adjust with other people's personalities.