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According to the social causation theory, the main causes of poverty include:
It states that people who lack social skills are more likely to commit crime and be incarcerated, which then lead them to be unemployed or underemployed.
Social causation theory alleges that due to mental instability and/or illness issues, a significant part of the population is caught in the socioeconomic poverty cycle. This theory suggests a connection between socioeconomic status and mental stability.
The state of poverty in a home responds to multiple conditions, both of individuals and the surrounding environment.
On the one hand the causal mechanisms may be included by different factors that respond among others: to the location (access and quality of home, health and education services), to the quality of the labor market (unemployment and informality), and to a collection of social capital (family formation). In addition, they may be included by factors of an individual nature such as human capital (levels of education and health) or possession of assets.
Because the condition of poverty does not respond only to the monetary dimension, it is important to use a multidimensional approach with the conception of causal mechanisms, with both social and individual causes. An approach where impoverishment patterns can be established and that allow poverty to be understood as a long-term process.
The causal mechanisms of poverty are several and are related in different facets of households. They may also vary depending on the economic conditions of the society.