
"I Sit and Look Out"
Walt Whitman

I Sit and look out upon all the sorrows of the world, and upon all oppression and shame;
I hear secret convulsive sobs from young men, at anguish with themselves, remorseful after deeds done;
I see, in low life, the mother misused by her children, dying, neglected, gaunt, desperate;
I see the wife misused by her husband—I see the treacherous seducer of young women;
I mark the ranklings of jealousy and unrequited love, attempted to be hid—I see these sights on the earth;
I see the workings of battle, pestilence, tyranny—I see martyrs and prisoners;
I observe a famine at sea—I observe the sailors casting lots who shall be kill'd, to preserve the lives of the rest;
I observe the slights and degradations cast by arrogant persons upon laborers, the poor, and upon negroes, and the like;
All these—All the meanness and agony without end, I sitting, look out upon,
See, hear, and am silent.

"First they came for..."
Martin Niemöller

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Use the excerpts above to write an essay, at least two paragraphs, supporting the question below. Remember to clearly state your main point and use quotes from the text to support your response using the proper MLA format.

How do "I Sit and Look Out" and "First they came for..." compare in terms of tone and mood? How do these elements support the theme of each poem? (

Respuesta :

In “I sit and look out “Whitman uses morose vocabulary to describe a characters perspective on the issues of humanity. Right off the bat Whitman jumps into a scene of a character sitting watching life “ I sit and look out upon all the sorrows of the world....” in line one. Creating an overall negative silence tone that the reader can relate to no matter how long ago it was written it still explains this continuous downfall of humanity; a tone that pinpoints societies reality and how it perpetuates. Which happens as well in “First they came for… “ speaking to how silence continues these problems. It is most shown in the last two lines of “First they came for...” when Niemöller writes “Then they came for me— and there was no one left to speak for me.” Further showing how silence is detrimental to society. This is a common negative tone in both poems; that brings the downsides of humanity to light.