Respuesta :
1- Decide if the following statement is grammatically correct or incorrect
Bruce Willis est un acteur. => CORRECT
7- Choose the best answer
What is the contraction of de + l' ? => de l'
9- Best translation
He is French. = > Il est français.
17- What does the underlined word mean..
When you are sick, you get drugs. => des médicaments
33- Fill in the blank with the correct form of the adjective
Henri a de grands pieds; il porte de grandes chaussettes.
35- Fill in the blank with the word that best completes the sentence
Céline Dion est chanteuse.
37- What the underlined word mean in the following sentence
Tania se sèche les cheveux. => to dry one's hair
40- Fill in the blank with the word that best completes the sentence
Un moment, s'il vous plaît.
45- decide if the following sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect
Willy cherche un noir costume. => INCORRECT
Willy cherche un costume noir ==> CORRECT
1) Correct
7) de l'
9)Il est français.
17) des médicaments
33) grands grandes
35) Céline Dion est chanteuse.
37) to dry one's hair
40) Un moment
45) Incorrect
Correct is : Willy cherche un costume noir