
Read the excerpt from act 3 of A Doll’s House.

Helmer [kissing her on the forehead]: Goodnight, my little singing-bird. Sleep sound, Nora. Now I will read my letters through. [He takes his letters and goes into his room, shutting the door after him.]

Nora [gropes distractedly about, seizes HELMER'S domino, throws it round her, while she says in quick, hoarse, spasmodic whispers]: Never to see him again. Never! Never! [Puts her shawl over her head.] Never to see my children again either—never again. Never! Never!—Ah! the icy, black water—the unfathomable depths—If only it were over! He has got it now—now he is reading it. Goodbye, Torvald and my children! [She is about to rush out through the hall, when HELMER opens his door hurriedly and stands with an open letter in his hand.]

How do the stage directions best support the theme that the truth can never be hidden? Select two options.

When Helmer kisses Nora on the forehead, he is telling her that he will always love her despite what happens.

When Helmer takes his letters and shuts the door to his room, he is demonstrating that he wants his personal business hidden from Nora.

When Nora wraps her shawl around herself, she is attempting to hide from Helmer and symbolically keep her secrets hidden.

When Nora speaks in spasmodic whispers, she is showing that the truth about Helmer is causing her a great deal of distress.

When Helmer stands with the open letter, he is showing Nora that he knows of her actions and wants to confront her.

Respuesta :

When Helmer takes his letters and shuts the door to his room, he is demonstrating that he wants his personal business hidden from Nora.  

When Nora wraps her shawl around herself, she is attempting to hide from Helmer and symbolically keep her secrets hidden.

Both of these stage directions best show that the truth can never be hidden. In the first one, Helmer goes into his study to keep his personal business personal. However, his personal business is not actually a secret since Nora already knows what is in one of the letters.

In the second piece of evidence, Nora's behavior shows that she is trying to hide from the news that the letter contains. By covering her body in the shawl, she is trying to comfort herself as well as put on another layer of protection.

The main message in a text is the theme. The messages that illustrate the theme that the truth can never be hidden are;

  • When Nora wraps her shawl around herself, she is attempting to hide from Helmer and symbolically keep her secrets hidden.
  • When Helmer stands with the open letter, he is showing Nora that he knows of her actions and wants to confront her.

After Helmer leaves the room, Nora hurriedly attempts to escape. Her behavior shows that she wishes to keep some secret away from Helmer.

However, she was unable to pull through with her plans as Helmer came back in time to confront her. His posture was indicative of someone who was already aware of the truth that Nora was hiding.

So, options C and E highlight the theme that the truth can never be hidden.

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