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Eccrine sweat glands are different from sebaceous sweat glands, because eccrine sweat glands are localized to the dermis and upper region of the hyodermis.The perspiration out of these glands is mostly water, however there are also traces of salt and electrolytes. Their main job is to regulate body temperature. However, the sweat can also be from a different stresser (ex. emotional or psychological). Now, sebacous galnds differ because they do not secrete sweat. They secrete an oily substance that is known as sebum. The sebum lubriactes and protects skin, hair, and nails. Most sebaceous galnds are connected to a hair follicle, but some can also be found in the skin and they directly open to the skins surface. Both glands work together at times to regulate body temperature. In really hot conditions, the sebum will mix with the sweat to slow the evaporation rate so the body can stay cool longer.