If the U.S. constitution began as suggested by the cartoon what might the impact be on the Supreme Court?

The court would balance power equally between business and government

The court would make decisions that favored corporations over individuals

The court would outlaw foreign contributions

The court would make more democratic decisions

Respuesta :

The cartoon you are referring to shows three business men in front of the U.S. Founding Fathers. One of them, acting as a spokesperson, interpellates the writers of the Constitution by asking them to scratch the first words of the Constitution ("We, the people..") and replace them with the statement "We, the anonymous corporate donors, untraceable foreign contributors and assorted billionaires.." So, if the U.S. Constitution began as suggested by the cartoon, the Supreme Court would make decisions that favored corporations ("we, the anonymous corporate donors") over individuals ("we, the people"). Fortunately this is not the case, but, throughout its history, and depending upon the Chief Justice who has led it, the Supreme Court has sometimes been especially friendly to business.