10. Why did the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir hesitate to join India or Pakistan? (1 point)

A.He wished to maintain his country's independence.

B.The ruler's religion was a different than his people's religion.

C.The ruler feared an invasion by both countries.

D.The ruler wished to remain part of the British Empire

Respuesta :

B might be the answer
you can read this: The Maharaja of J&K, Hari Singh was the ruler of J&K during the partition of India in 1947. At that time, Maharaja didn’t decide to join either India or Pakistan.

J&K princely state borders both India and Pakistan. India was considered to be the home of the Hindus and Pakistan home of the Muslims. J&K state had the majority of Muslim population.

Maharaja was scared of joining either India or Pakistan. The reason, if he joins Pakistan, there was vulnerability of minority Hindus and Sikhslives. If he joins India, he feared the majority Muslims would revolt which actually happened in GB and AJK later.

So when he was forced to join either India or Pakistan after getting attacked by Pakistani forces, he signed Instrument of Accession with India.