
You are a reporter sent to cover the march on Washington in 1963 watch footage of the March and listen to Martin Luther King Junior’s I have a Dream sweet use what you saw and heard in the video to describe the demonstration and speed by Dr. King make sure you cover the key points of birth including description of the organization crowds and activists dream sweet use what you saw and heard in the video to describe the demonstration and speed by Dr. King make sure you cover the key points of birth including description of the organization crowds and activities the focus of king speech along with the analysts of his style of rhetoric also include information about the crowds reaction to his speech and it’s powerful imagery.

Respuesta :


observations about the crowd, such as the mixture and integration of races, the signs, and the jubilant attitudes

observations about the activities, particularly the role of music both on stage and in the crowd, and the use of speeches

observations about the organization, including the buses bringing people in, the cooperation between police and protestors

a general summary of King’s speech, including his call for equality, descriptions of racial injustice, and his dream for the future

an analysis of King’s rhetorical style, including his use of repeated phrases, the cadence, the rhythmic patterns, and the imagery

a description of the crowd’s enthusiastic reaction throughout King’s speech

observations of powerful imagery caught in the video, such as people walking with arms around each other, parade formations in the street, the statue of Abraham Lincoln looking down over the speakers on stage


sample answer